Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Sunday Was Binding Day -- and Dan's Biirthday!

Champagne, check; orange, check; juicer, check; champagne glasses, check; guess I had everything to make mimosas to celebrate Dan's birthday.

Even strawberries for a colorful garnish! We're proponents of just enough orange juice to give the champagne a little color....

Then it was on to binding Lauren's quilt:

I used the striped fabric and I'm cutting it on the cross grain; in other words, selvage to selvage across the width of the fabric. Seven strips were needed.

I line them up with some overlap for two reasons: 1) Easier to see where the corners are, and 2) I don't have to trim off the selvages before I make that diagonal seam to join the binding strips together. Here I'm using the laser guide so that I can follow that line instead of taking the time to mark the fabric with a diagonal line.

Trimming the diagonal seam to 1/4", pressing the seams open and then pressing the binding lengthwise and I'm ready to machine stitch the binding to the front of the quilt and then enjoy about 3 hours of handwork! Stitching binding to the back of a quilt is the only handwork I ever do and I think it's kind of fun. I'll be able to get in an hour on Sunday and maybe another hour on Monday, so the plan is to finish on Tuesday and get the quilt into the washer to remove the water soluble marker.

I haven't finished a quilt in so long that I've lost the little calluses that I had from using a hand stitching needle. Bet my fingers are going to get really sore!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Palmdale CA

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